Pain management is a technical term used for rehabilitation of painful disorders.
Chronic Back Pain and Pain Management
In case of spine and musculoskeletal conditions, pain management can be done for a variety of purposes. Pain management may be implemented as listed below:
- To identify the exact source of patient's back pain
- As an alternative to surgical treatment
- As a part of an aggressive traditional (nonsurgical) care program
- To help determine the specific areas that needs to be addressed through surgery
- Facilitate rehabilitation of a patient after surgery
- To help patients deal with residual or obstinate pain after surgery
A wide variety of techniques may be used to address spine pain and related painful disorders.
Pain Management without Drugs
These days, a huge variety of noninvasive pain management techniques are available for treating back pain. The techniques are implemented without drugs.
Here are some of the most widely accepted comprehensive pain management programs for spine pain:
Patients are asked to make physical exertion. This is aimed at increasing strength and flexibility of spine. Activities also help spine restoring its normal motion. Some of the most common activities include stretching exercises, McKenzie method, water therapy, aerobic routines and many others.
Manual Techniques
Force is applied to the ligaments, joints, and muscles. There are evidences for the efficiency of some specific techniques.
Behavioral Modification
This helps in optimizing responses of patient to back pain and painful stimuli. Cognitive therapies are helpful in teaching the patient to alleviate back pain via relaxation techniques, managing techniques and other methods.
Heating or Cooling of Skin
Cold packs and hot packs can help with spine pain management. These may be ultrasound, and diathermy. In most cases, these should be used in conjunction with light exercises.
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